Already 17 now ya'll! But still am small and petite. Despite that I've got a big heart and a huge ego. You'll love me as I spill my greatest ups and downs moments here. Have fun reading, potatoes :-)
Naida xoxo

Sunday, May 10, 2009
It's Almost 3 In The Morning o.0

Lessons learned from today (well technically yesterday): 
1. You can't trust anyone. 
2. Lying will never keep your heart from not beating so fast (all the time).
3. You just gotta ignore the envious insignificant. 

Saturday was great. I went to a friend's house and since my curfew is rather tight I had to go home at 5 -___- but instead I stayed a little late so I arrived home at 6. Then I went out for a dinner with my bro, his girl, and my sis to Kemang. It's been a long time. My schedule is always filled most Saturdays so the chance of me spending time with them is very rare. So it's good you know, to finally attend a umm... siblings day out? Hahaha :p

I don't know whether that is supposed to be a coincidence or not. If it is, it's just too creepy. Cause girl, let me just put it this way... it's way too obvious ;p 

Sorry but I can't help it. I may be wrong, but people make assumptions and assume that their presumptions are right, no? Just can't leave this one unnoticed cause I feel rather disturbed.

And again, sorry for being so frank and sotoy-ly assured if you happen to realize :)


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