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My Accounts:
Friendster Alice
Alvie Andrew Anti Cheisy Della Filza Fina Icha Ichell Indah Janice Julianto Kak Citra Macil Naila Nandra Niti Rabia Rama Risa Sevira
April 2008
May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 February 2011
Saturday, June 13, 2009
CIMS Re-united
One of my girl's turning 17 today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY YELLA!!! I know you had a good one since you spent it with cimsey :) sorry I kinda ruined it by forcing you to watch Drag Me To Hell. It's just that since we came in a pack, watching those kinds of movies would be better hehe. Let's just watch Star Trek in DVD ;p
Thanks for the treat too, Yell! I, myself, had a really good time too today. Maan I wish I could've stayed longer. The whole CIMS were there, except Chris who had to leave this morning to Hong Kong. Today was rocking and I totally love it :) That was like written around more than half an hour ago. I just finished reading gogirl! magazine June edition and was bewildered by its horoscope page. Most of the descriptions are downright accurate! For Libra, the "Hari Baik" and "Warna" are Saturday and pink respectively. Omg that is like totally true since today is Saturday and I was wearing a pink top hahaha and I totally had an awesome time. Call me nora, but this has happened more than once so yeah... go Gogirl!'s horoscope page! xoxo Labels: Birthday, Cims, CIMS LOVE, Feeling Good, Randomness
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Kick Ass
I was supposed to have a girl's day out yesterday but turned out i was ditched by the girls for the guys. HAHA just kidding, I didn't mind hhe. We're lacking of participants in the other hand. So gdo was cancelled.
The second Ichell called to cancel gdo, I contacted Andrew. So instead, I spent my weekend with the cims boys minus Jon. He, as always, bailed on us for uncertain reasons. Jon, jon... you fat liar. We hung at the outdoor seats at Starbucks and had dinner in the food court. Then went to Ratu Plaza for a quick dvd shopping. My weekend eventually ended up great once more =] Today, I just realized that I inherit quiet a lot of my dad's attribute. I admit I'm a selfish bitch, but h-e-l-l-o? My dad is worst. Man he's a really hard-headed person. And nowadays he could instantly get mad for just a small error. grosh :S xoxo
Friday, October 10, 2008
Awesomeness :)
Omg I had a great birthday :)
I went to Plaza Senayan today with CIMS + Karen. And then I decided to just treat them lunch. It just feels wrong if I don't treat them something. So Ichell, Della, dkk the treat for you guys later ya! After we had our lunch at Sushi Tei we went to our Filicium. As always. The girls, except me and Karen kaya suddenly misah gitu. Their excuse was to accompany Filza seeing her Mom. And I believed them. So we went to Filicium first and hung out there. After quiet a while suddenly the girls showed up with a cake! Awwww thank you guys so muuuchoooo :') Thank you for the surprise cake! Too bad Filza bought the oh-so-scary candles! I was even too scared to blow out the candles hahhaha. I love you guuuuyyyyssssssss! Muah muah muah! ![]() Me & Andrew =) ![]() Me, blowing the candles hihi So far I already got 3 gifts. A pair of shoe from my bro and his gf, a cute dress from my retardos, and a flower. Hahahahahhaa :) Thanks a lot guys :):):) xoxo p.s: finally got some pics! 2 are uploaded! (grinning)
CIMS Conference Made My Birthday :)
HAPPY 16th BIRTHDAY ME :) hihihi
I LOVE CIMS SO MUCH :) They made a conference and then called me to say happy birthday. Omg I was so flattered I almost cry. I was a bit unhappy at first since Rayner, Andrew, and Reuben who were having an msn conference with me just went offline. I was a bit like "what the heeeelll dont they remember my birthday?". I was filled with disappointment at first. Neither one of them said happy birthday to me... at first. Though some other friends wished me a happy birthday through msn, facebook, friendster, and sms. Thank you guys :) And then suddenly Yella called. Yeay! At least someone from CIMS remembers my birthday. Yella: "Hallo nai?" Naida: "Hai yellaaaa hehe" But then there was a familiar voice. I asked Yella about that strange voice. She kept on denying that maybe it was from my side. I heard laughs and I had the thought that it was Andrew's voice. Only Andrew. I didn't thought that suddenly... "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NAI!" AWWWWWW I LOVE U GUYS CIMSEY :):) even though Filza and Jon were kind of late joining the conference. And then we chatted on the phone, the 8 of us. Me, Yella, Michi, Filza, Rayner, Jon, Reuben, and Andrew. Random stuffs. It was sooooo crowded pusing sendiri jadinya hehe. Gosh I love CIMS and I miss them so mucch. I hope I can go out with them tomorrow. If I have enough money I would totally treat them something. Wish me luck, people. Hope I have a great birthday-day tomorrow :) Oh! Happy birthday to Vania and Rino too. We were born on the same day hihi. LC (TOC) ya, No? Hahahaha :) xoxo
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Yesterday's Photos
Yaaaaaaaaay I found my card reader!
It was in my old bedroom. I didn't think about searching the card reader there last night haha. Thank God I found it hihi :) Here are some of the pictures! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() A lotta fun ! xoxo Labels: Cims, Feeling Good
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
BBQ & Della's Turning 16!
Today was absolutely fun. Had a BBQ at Jon's (again) with cims plus Nabila and Ruben's Janice. It wasn't as fun as the previous BBQ since we weren't playing-with-water. It's just... it isn't complete without siram-siraman air. But nevertheless, it was a lotta fun too :) Just like old times. Too bad Andrew had to leave earlier for his grandma's birthday. He didn't get a chance to eat Rayner's spaghetti and Filza's chicken teriyaki. Thanks for cooking us dinner, guys! Hahaha sorry I wasn't too handy. But the foods you guys cook were tasty!
Actually Della celebrated her birthday tonight in Segarra but I couldn't come. The time collided with cims' BBQ. I wanted to come, really. But Cims had planned this BBQ since weeks ago when Della informed me about the treat last night. It was very last minute. Sorry Dell, pengen banget gue dateng. Coba lo bilang dari minggu minggu lalu. Gue kan bisa postpone BBQ nya kalo gitu huuuu. Nvm but happy birthday, Dell! I'll try finding something worthy for you! We actually took great pictures from our small gathering at Jon's. However... I couldn't upload it to my computer SINCE I lost my goddamn memory card reader! Arghhh it's not in my sister's or my brother's room. It's not in my room either. Please God help me find the card reader. Aww man, too much whining won't help huuu :( So last but not least... HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DELLA! Happy sweet 16! My cumi friend! =D xoxo Labels: BBQ, Birthday, Cims, Feeling Good, Sleepy |