Already 17 now ya'll! But still am small and petite. Despite that I've got a big heart and a huge ego. You'll love me as I spill my greatest ups and downs moments here. Have fun reading, potatoes :-)
Naida xoxo

Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Good Morning

Thanks to my not-so-dearest friend, Michelle Natalie (jk hehe), I finally have Player's Prayer by Lloyd in my iTunes again. I hope all the playas in the world would stand on their knees to apologize to all the girls they have hurt! =)

Today I'm going to Dufan! Yeay! The last time I go there was last March. Actually CIMS has already made a Dufan plan but it's for next week. Today I'm going with Ichell, Della, Andrew, JP, Julianto, and Aswin. I just realize that whenever Aswin goes to Jakarta, we always go to Dufan with him. When there is Aswin, there is Dufan. Hahaha randomness :p  

Anyway I found a new nickname for my crush! A codename! It's called Noy! You know like AB3 gitu2. So whenever I mention Noy I'm referring to my crush hehe. 

Nyways odiways... I miss you, Noy :)

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Thursday, September 25, 2008
So Hard to Get You Outta My System

I've been thinking about taking back my words from my "Bye-bye" post. I just can't tell him and I think I am now stuck with him. So effin' hard. 

Damn, I mean, I just keep thinking about you
I mean, I wanna move on but I can't move on
It's like you have some kind of hold on me and I don't know

All the time we spent together
Makes it hard to get you outta my system

Outta My System by Bow Wow says it all ;p

It's just so hard to get you outta my system even if I wanted to. 


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Yesterday's Photos

Yaaaaaaaaay I found my card reader!
It was in my old bedroom. I didn't think about searching the card reader there last night haha. Thank God I found it hihi :) 

Here are some of the pictures!

A lotta fun !


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Wednesday, September 24, 2008
BBQ & Della's Turning 16!

Today was absolutely fun. Had a BBQ at Jon's (again) with cims plus Nabila and Ruben's Janice. It wasn't as fun as the previous BBQ since we weren't playing-with-water. It's just... it isn't complete without siram-siraman air. But nevertheless, it was a lotta fun too :) Just like old times. Too bad Andrew had to leave earlier for his grandma's birthday. He didn't get a chance to eat Rayner's spaghetti and Filza's chicken teriyaki. Thanks for cooking us dinner, guys! Hahaha sorry I wasn't too handy. But the foods you guys cook were tasty!

Actually Della celebrated her birthday tonight in Segarra but I couldn't come. The time collided with cims' BBQ. I wanted to come, really. But Cims had planned this BBQ since weeks ago when Della informed me about the treat last night. It was very last minute. Sorry Dell, pengen banget gue dateng. Coba lo bilang dari minggu minggu lalu. Gue kan bisa postpone BBQ nya kalo gitu huuuu. Nvm but happy birthday, Dell! I'll try finding something worthy for you!

We actually took great pictures from our small gathering at Jon's. However... I couldn't upload it to my computer SINCE I lost my goddamn memory card reader! Arghhh it's not in my sister's or my brother's room. It's not in my room either. Please God help me find the card reader. Aww man, too much whining won't help huuu :( 

So last but not least...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DELLA! Happy sweet 16! My cumi friend! =D


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Monday, September 22, 2008
New Layout

So... I haven't been sleeping since I wrote the previous post. I said I was going back to bed but actually I couldn't. Which means I only had 4 hours of sleep last night. I'm not feeling too well for school today. Thank you God. I can still have a lot of time for a bedtime revenge. 

Second so... since I was all wide awake for around 2 and a half hours since 4 am, I decided to reconstruct my blog. It needs update and a fresh new layout. I thought it'd be a lot convenience to have everything stores in one page. I also love the white frame that comes with every pictures that I upload here. It just looks neat. Now my blog looks neat. Coolness.

Anyway, I'm in love with Ne-Yo. Not as in "love" love. I am referring to his songs. Well, not all of them. I bought his latest album and the first couples of track are good. The last 7 tracks are good and ear-friendly. But they're not so catchy. You guys should listen to Mad. I just looove the tune. I'm gonna upload it here as the background song later. I don't recommend you to buy the CD, just download it. Ne-Yo and Chris Brown are my R&B heroes. Can't wait for Chris Brown to launch his third album. Well, I hope he's in the process of making one.

Talking about R&B... nowadays I've been listening to some of Flo Rida's songs. Not that his music is R&B (his' hip-hop by the way), Ne-Yo just reminds me of Flo Rida :p I'm not a biggie fan of hip-hops but Flo Rida's songs are great. Well actually... I happen to have only 3 songs. Low (d'ohhh), Elevator, and In the Ayer. I don't know his other songs. I hope the others are as good as the 3 songs that catch my ear's attention. Go Flo Rida!

My writing mood was on. Now it's turned off. And I'm hungry. Gonna grab something to eat. Catcha' later!


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Morning Pee Call

I'm not fasting today so I'm supposed to wake up like at something in the morning. But since I had to pee, I woke up at 4. Just in the right time for sahur. Hahahaha. So the point is... I'm bored :p

Soooo Saturday night was fun. After long overdue, I finally went out with Karen. And Michi. Too. Luckily I still had my period so I could eat lunch with them. We ate sushi tei. It was like "finally"! It's been a month since I last eat at sushi tei. After we had our lunch we watched Mamma Mia. At first I was like, "what the hell?" I wasn't expecting Mamma Mia. But since Karen and Michi wanted to watch Mamma Mia, so I just go with the flow. The movie turned out great. Some scenes were hilarious and not to mention the dances. So yeah, I don't regret watching the movie hehe.

After movie we met with Cims guys in Sency. It was a lotta fun. Just like the old days (as Andrew said it) only without Filza and Yella unfortunately. Ugh I love weekends and I love it more whenever I spend it with friends :)

Me, Michi, and Karen
Me, Jon, Andrew, Michi, Karen
Filicium no. 3

Gtg back to bed then. My eyes are heavy -.-



Sunday, September 21, 2008
Bye bye

I'm starting to get tired of waiting. It's already 3 months, almost 4, and still no more progress. My mind starts thinking that maybe I'm not really ready for a commitment. 3 months is my limit and that's it. Just like what happened in AB3's case. So I guess this is it. I gotta talk to 'him'.

Sorry, but this is for the best. I know you still love your girlfriend. So be with her. She needs you. I hope we can still be friends like we used to.



Saturday, September 13, 2008
CIMS forever

I just read Filza's latest post. See God, most of us want grade 10 back. So Goooood please ohh puh-lease rewind the time! I miss bio class haha. We sat like at the back of the class and took over 2 tables. One for cims boys and one for the girls plus Sonia. Hahahahahhaha it was a lotta fuunnnnnnnn. And I also miss business class, math class, okay all the classeeeeessssss we had. Freaking miss you guys a lottt. 

Stick Figure of Cims hihi :)
Drawn by Michi

I love you guys like a fat kid loves cakes!
I miss you guys like heeellllllllllllll




Bocen cuyyyyyy. Ahhhh coba tadi gue ikut ke taman suropati. Bosen banget gue huh huh huh. 

Maannnn I miss him.


Friday, September 12, 2008
Sampai Kapan - Maliq and d'essentials

Menantikanmu dalam jiwaku

Sabar ku menunggu, berharap sendiri

Aku mencoba merindukan bayangmu

Karena hanyalah bayanganmu

yang ada...

Hangat mentari dan terangnya rembulan

Mengiringi hari-hariku yang tetap tanpa kehadiranmu

Pantaskah diriku ini mengharapkan

Suatu yang lebih dari hanya 

sekedar perhatian dari dirimu

Yang kau anggap biasa saja

Atau mestikah kusimpan dalam diri

Lalu ku endapkan rasa ini terus


Sampai kapan kubertahan

Ku menantikan kepastian

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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

It has been 2 months and 10 days already since I go to 68. Since I'm no longer stepping my foot on my previous high school, BiNus. Mann I school-sick again huu. Haha like the word even exists? Seriously I miss Binus so much. I totally miss the uniform. I used to whine about the uniform then, now I realize the whines are unnecessary. I miss the skirt. The short skirt, to be exact. I'll be honest, I think I look much better in Binus' uniform.

And I miss free dress day. I miss dressing up to school every Friday. I mean I had a lotta fun back then. Especially during my sophomore year. Man I miss 10 B so damn much. I miss when we moved to other classes together, the jayus jokes, we spent our recess and lunch together. Awww how I miss our togetherness. I'd trade anything to go back to grade 10 again. 

And second it has been hmm... 3 months and a day (wow) already since I'm crushing on him. Isn't it quite a long period? I've been waiting too long, it makes me keep on thinking whether I should just stop or keep continue waiting. I mean seriously I am single. And being single's supposed to be fun and unburdened. He's the burden and yet I couldn't drop the bomb. So yeah I've been thinking about giving up and just let him stay with his girlfriend. And then us, being friends again. But could I? Or could we?

To tell the truth, I like us better when we weren't as close as we are now. We used to have more fun than we are now. It seems like he's changing. No, our relationship kinda change. The closer we get, the more he'll change. If you can't choose, then just stick with your girlfriend. Don't worry about me. But one thing that I want from you, if you happen to read this post, can we still be friends? And keep sharing stories? Cause I had a lot of fun with you. Before.


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Wednesday, September 3, 2008
d'masiv & lain-lain

kenapa ya, band indo d'masiv yang dulu gue anggep norak gitu tiap kali dengerin di gen fm (biasa, supir gue. bukan gue ya haha) sekarang kok jadi gue replay terus ya lagu-lagunya? sebenernya cuman 2 lagu sih yg gue bilang enak hahaha lebay dikit boleh lah ya. apalagi yg judulnya di antara kalian. gue banget tuh lagu hehehe. terserah bilang aja gue norak. emg ngerasa norak kok hahaha. tapi emang beneran enak. gue sering banget dengerin ini lagu tapi ga pernah tau judulnya haha. sedih engga sih?

tapi emang bener sih, the song's lyrics sort of suits my current affair. liriknya cuuy gahul haha. liriknya dalem gitu deh pas banget. gila udah jam setengah 1 pagi tapi kok gue belom ngantuk ya? padahal gue tadi sore cuman tidur 2 jam gitu. gpp deh, itung-itung biasanya kalo begadang bikin kurus ya ngga? denger-denger sih hahaha. desperate banget nih gue sumpah pengen kurus lagi. dulu udah kaya babi skrg tambah kaya babi lagi. aaaaaaa sumpah some of my outfits don't fit me anymore. sedih banget gue... pokoknya size celana gue has to go back to size 6/34/27 lagi deh. huuh :(

tidur ga ya tidur ga ya tidur ga ya? 


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Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Damn Fat

Soo the second day of fasting. It feels good you know, to fast. It's the right month to lose weight again! I gain 3 kilograms already. The last time I looked at the scale, I weight 46 kilograms! Friggin' 46 kilograms! MAAANN I AM SOOOO FAT! I used to be 43 kilograms everytime I weigh myself at night. And my morning weight used to be 41 or 42 kilograms. It was 3 months ago! Can you imagine that? With only 5 feet of height, I weight 46 kilograms? How fat could that be? I should've weight 40 kilograms. 

Sooooo during this fasting month my targets are ...


I know you can, Nai. You did it once. You can do it for the second time! Huahuahua!

I'm soo desperate ;p


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